In our success story spanning over a century which started as a manufacturing and bulb testing unit in Noida, India, we have now become one of the most respectable company in lightning industry manufacturing our own products by brand name REMEN LED LITES. Our team comprises of both young and experienced people whose energy and leadership moves the company.
Human resource runs the company and we being aware of the strength hire the best in the industry. Remen Led Lites provides an environment for learning and experience which ranges in various fields like operations, marketing, sales, advertising, production, hr etc. Here is a place where dream-laden fresher’s look forward to start a rewarding career. Experienced middle-level executives can expect a path changing career transition to guide and earn an experience worthwhile. Senior-level managers will be involved in strategic planning and overall management. Even as we eye for the growth of company, we are equally involved in individual development and career transition through various work experiences and activities.
We are determined to build a team where learning, teamwork and passion for work is what drives a person. Our vibrant family has a deep sense of responsibility, warmth of friendliness and deep emotional bonding. We are looking forward for enthusiastic and skill-driven individuals to join us and take the lead.